Yes, I am combining all 4 goals into one post. I've been a bit pre-occupied with my Ed-Tech class that will complete my Leadership degree from University of the Cumberlands. Boy, this class is about to kick me where the sun don't shine. :-P I digress.
Goal 9 is to be a guest blogger. I'm not comfortable with the whole blogging thing yet, as you can see with the frequency of my posts. I will have to return to this goal later in the year when I can comfortably and confidently be a guest blogger.
Goal 10 is to make a connection. I have to admit that joining Twitter has been one of the absolute best things I have done for my career. I have become followers of some very inspiring and motivating leaders who help me become a better aspiring leader. If you are reading this why don't you jump on twitter and follow too! I'm mrseholley, come find me and join my PLN.
Goal 11 is to begin asking questions. Well, instead of me asking questions I am pushing my students to ask more questions. I want them to question everything around them. If they don't understand what better place to ask but in class. This environment should be the idea place for them to ask and explore to find answers. So far it is working. I'm not sure the other teachers are liking all the question asking though :-)
Goal 12 is to reach out. Since becoming more active on my social media pages I am trying to be a positive influence on those around me. I post at least one positive, motivational message everyday. My family has commented on the change and say it's a good thing. They enjoy reading my posts and it helps them begin the day with a smile. You know, I think this helps me have a better attitude about the day as well. What's that old saying "Power of Positive Thinking"